Palpitation, a common problem, is a state in which the heart beats forcibly and, maybe, irregularly. It enables the person to become aware of the action of his heart It is a distressing condition but is not always serious.

Causes and Symptoms

The main symptom of palpitation of the heart is a kind of ‘thumping’ feeling in the chest The patient feels a real discomfort in the front of the chest The pulse rate may become faster than normal.

Palpitation of the heart may occur due to a variety of factors, most of which may not be related to the heart itself. Anything which increases the work load of the heart may bring on this condition. Some persons may experience palpitations when lying on the left side, because the heart is nearer the chest wall in that position. Many nervous persons suffer from this condition. Although palpitations do occur among other symptoms in serious heart disease, the vast majority of cases are due to anxiety and have no direct connection with heart disease whatsoever. Other causes contributing to this condition are an overful stomach, flatulence, and constipation. Excessive smoking may also give rise to this disorder.


Grapes: Grapes are one of the most effective home remedies for palpitation of the heart. The patient should take the juice of this fruit at frequent intervals. This will relieve the condition.

Guava: The use of guava is another effective home remedy for palpitation of the heart. The patient should eat a ripe guava daily on an empty stomach. It is especially beneficial if this disorder caused by nervousness and anaemia.

Snake Gourd Leaves: The leaves of snake gourd have been found beneficial in the treatment of palpitation of the heart. The juice of these leaves should be extracted and given in doses °f one to two tablespoons thrice daily.

Honey: Honey has proved valuable in overcoming this condition. Honey is considered to be an excellent food for the heart, being easily digested and assimilated. The patient should ^e a glass of water, mixed with a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon, before going to bed.

Indian Spikenard: The herb Indian spikenard is also “eneficial in the treatment of palpitation of the heart. It stimulates

action of the heart. It should be taken in doses of two to three grains with the addition of a pinch of camphor and cinnamon. It can also be taken as an infusion in doses of 30 to 60 ml, three times a day.

Aniseed and Dry Coriander: A mixture of powdered aniseed, dry coriander, and jaggery can also be used beneficially in the treatment of this condition. Equal quantities of each of these three substances should be powdered. About six grams of this mixed powder should be taken after each meal by the patient suffering from palpitation of the heart.

Dietary Considerations

The patient suffering from palpitation of the heart should take a simple diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits, and raw or lightly cooked vegetables. He should avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, soft drinks, all white flour products, sugar, food colourings, chemical additives, white rice, and strong condiments. He should restrict his diet to three meals a day. He should take fruits, milk, and a handful of nuts or seeds for breakfast in the moming; steamed vegetables, wholewheat chapatis and a glass of buttermilk for lunch in the afternoon; and fresh green vegetable salad, sprouts of alfalfa seeds and mung, and cottage cheese or a glass of buttermilk for dinner.

Other Measures

The patient must learn the art of meditation and relaxation. Shavasana is ideal for this purpose. The patient should also undertake some form of active exercise such as brisk walks, swimming, skipping, and cycling.


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