Eyes are very important and very delicate organs of the body. Conjunctivitis, vision disturbances are some of the complaints regarding the eyes. Aolochaka Pitta distribances.
1) Use HONEY in your diet for cure of many diseases of eyes.
2) One cannot tolerate severe light (glare) due to deficiency of Vit. A. Use green vegetables, mango, carrot, liver in your diet. It is useful.
3) Emblica officinalis (AMALAKI) is useful for various complaints of eyes. Eat it.
4) MANGO contains plenty of Vit. A. It is useful in eye diseases.
5) CABBAGE contains Vit. A. Hence it is useful in eye diseases and night blindness. Drink 50 to 175 ml juice of cabbage every day.
6) For maintaining good luster (brightness) of the eyes eat milk, eggs, cheese, mutton, oranges, mandrines, green vegetables, carrot etc.