Physical activity is recommended for any person to stay healthy.  But for a diabetic it
now only increases energy levels and can help maintain an ideal body weight it also helps
to control blood sugars.  But an active diabetic needs to take extra care and precautions to
ensure they are getting enough fuel for their body so their blood sugars do not drop
dangerously low – known as hypoglycemia.

The amount you exercise is going to determine how much you are going to eat on your
diabetic meal plan.  The more physically active you are the higher your nutritional
requirements and the higher your risk is for developing hypoglycemia.  The best practice
when you are just starting out is to monitor your blood sugars before and after working
out and during if you feel it is necessary.  It is important to listen to your body and stop if
you are feeling light-headed or are experiencing any of the other signs associated with
low blood sugar.

Before you work out, have a snack that is going to sustain you for a long period of time
without spiking your blood sugar levels.  A granola bar eaten with a handful of nuts is a
good choice as it combines a carbohydrate that is high in fiber and a high-quality protein.
The food that you eat before working out should have a high-fiber content, this will slow
down the breaking down process of the carbohydrates in your system and you will be
sustained for a longer period of time.

Drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) when you are working out to stay hydrated.  In
case of an emergency, carry glucose tablets with you at all times or some hard candy that
will quickly raise your blood sugar.  At other times of the day, eat balanced meals to
maintain your energy.


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