You must keep a watchful eye on your puppy making sure he doesn’t eat too much food or too little.  Simply going by the recommended amount on the label may not be enough for a growing puppy.  He may need a little extra sometimes.  But with an increase in food, you must increase exercise or you will have an overweight puppy.
The extra weight can put your pup at risk for heart problems, respiratory, and muscular problems.  Avoid obesity by preventing it in the first place.
If the pup is underfed, increase his ration for two weeks.  If he is growing back to where he should be, keep with the plan until he reaches an ideal weight.
If the pup is overfed, reduce the amount of food you give until he is down to an acceptable weight.  Also increase his exercise routine.
Overweight and underweight puppies have lower immune systems.  They can catch something from the dog next door or the one down the street.  Keep a watchful eye on your puppy when he is trying to maintain a stable weight.
At least two to three times a week, be sure to check your pup’s temperature to make sure there is no fever brewing.  A normal temperature for dogs is between 99.5 and 102.5 degrees.  If you are uncertain, please get the vet to show you how to do it.  You will need to lubricate the thermometer with petroleum jelly or mineral oil and slide it halfway into the rectum.  Leave for three minutes.  Remove and read the mercury level.  If the pup is running a fever, you should see your vet immediately.  DO NOT ever use an oral thermometer for a rectal temperature.  The readings could be off and make you think the dog is sick when he is really not.


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