In modern times, dieters have come to look upon the ketogenic diet as a solution to weight loss and nutritional management. In fact, it has garnered quite a bit of spotlight amongst other diets, many of which are easily said to be adaptations of the ketogenic diet with varying similarities. It can be considered trendy, but setting aside it being trend-like, the ability for the practice of ketosis to facilitate weight loss is proven and consistent if done successfully—and in that sense, it’s no passing fad.
The main proponent to its growing popularity, however, is the idea that the diet limits the individuals’ intake of carbohydrates, which reduces the cravings for carbs more and more over time, and as a result of less craving, the individual will then be able to consume fewer calories without feeling the need to indulge. It is pretty well known that if one’s intake of calories is lowered, weight is lowered congruently. Similarly, it’s become much more mainstream in recent years that ketogenic diets are well known for lowering weight effectively.
Nonetheless, the ketogenic diet should beconsidered as an effective means and not a trendy diet made of fluff. As popular as many diets are, utilizing ketosis and keeping up with it is not largely “popular”—or rather, frequently maintained for weight loss by crazed dieters desperate for a quick solution—because maintaining a ketogenic diet requires a generous amount of discipline.
Despite this, the ketogenic diet is still used for weight loss by those who are committed to ketosis and understand its underlying functions and effectiveness. In most cases, those who would most benefit from this type of diet in regards to weight loss are those that are overweight due to food cravings and the temptations of gluttony, but in particular, carbohydrates. Many people crave foods high in carbs, and it’s quite easy to do so, as this includes foods such as bread, pasta, and sugar, to name just a few. Carbs can be found in a large amount in many of the foods accessible for consumption, but if one is able to limit or restrict high-carb foods, results can be made.
Although advertising and hype around similar diets, like the Adkins Diet (not to insinuate it is ineffective), can make such results too good to be true, there is plethora of knowledge on ketosis and the ketogenic to be found in bookstores and by surfing the web. Looking past those who try to throw you a sales pitch, rather, there is an abundance of scientific literature that is
well researched and shows just how empirically sound ketosis can be for weight loss, and of course, epilepsy and seizure control. According to the experts who have published studies and research in various medical journals, the research in this field does in fact indicate that a low carb diet is more effective at reducing weight than a low fat diet. What researchers also found was that even though the low carb diet proves to be more effective, if it cannot be consistently maintained for the long term, weight loss is not going to be maintained.