What is Faster EFT?

stressFaster EFT is a simple, fast and holistic process, a powerful technique that relieves stress of all forms and transforms our unconscious hard drive. Developed by Robert G. Smith, Faster EFT is derived from various fields of study including several forms of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericksonian hypnosis, Thought Field Therapy, Traditional EFT, and various other healing systems. Robert found that by combining basic traditional EFT techniques with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing) processes we could utilize the mind’s ability to transform itself, allowing change to happen in a fast, easy and effortless way.

It is a simple process that helps you communicate with your unconscious mind in order to change old beliefs and patterns that are sabotaging your life. It is a safe and effective way to dissolve resistance to change at the unconscious level.

Founded on the premise “There are no broken people”, this technique shows us that in order to have a problem one must be doing something correctly to manifest and produce the problem that is troubling us. In fact, we have become experts at producing our problems. Faster Emotionally Focused Transformation shows us how the cause of all our problems is based on our personal perceptions and emotions that have been buried deep inside our unconscious mind.

Faster EFT works within a structure of a system that always works. It recognizes that we all have self-adaptive behaviors that keep us aligned with what we have recorded within us, based on our experiences, values and beliefs. These behaviors that keep cropping up and creating difficulties in our lives are really just our inner programming helping us to stay in alignment with those values and beliefs. Our beliefs determine our actions and our actions determine our results!

Faster Emotionally Focused Transformation

identifies our memories as the “trance” state of stress. It breaks the physical response to the stress by tapping on acupressure points, blocking the stress signals being sent from the brain to the body and allowing the body to give positive feedback to the mind, returning the client to a calmer, more relaxed state.

Permanent change is achieved as the memories and old limiting beliefs are transformed, creating a positive imprint of an outcome or new representation of the initial event. The essence of who we are changes as we lose the negative perception of ourself. This is a beautifully simple yet powerful tool and is easily learned, anyone can take it and use it to support oneself with change, any time they feel stressed.

In the early 1970’s co-founders Richard Bandler and John Grinder of the University of Santa Cruz in California engaged in a study of people who were able to achieve amazing results. The co-founders took what they learned from the mental processes of “exceptional” therapists Virginia Stair and Milton Erickson MID (the grandfather of Hypnotherapy) and Fritz Pearls, who created profound changes in their patients as well as with people who had recovered from terminal illness, phobias, and other life tragedies.

NLP explores the relationships between how we think

(Neuro), how we communicate (Linguistic) and our patterns of behavior and emotions (Programs).

People are able to effectively change and transform the way they traditionally think and act by studying and learning from these three areas of their lives.

NLP grew from the thousands of people wTho were able to transform their lives in dramatic and positive ways. It is a powerful change management tool that transforms the way people think and act creating the greatest impact in both their professional and personal lives.

NLP is “an attitude and a methodology which leaves behind it a trail of techniques”.

~ Richard Bandler

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of “psychological acupressure” – except that needles are not used. The approach relieves symptoms by tapping on various body locations. This tapping balances energy meridians that become disrupted when we think about or experience an emotionally disturbing circumstance. Typically the result is lasting and is also accompanied by positive changes in thinking.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) evolved from Thought Field Therapy which was created by US clinical psychologist Roger Callahan. Callahan discovered that  healing is achieved.

stimulating acupressure / energy points lead to psychological relief for an anxious client and through experimentation he was able to discover a series of useful points. Gary Craig, who studied with Callahan, identified a comprehensive set of “all purpose” energy points that could be applied to treat any emotional problem. He called this Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and achieved excellent results with this approach on a wide range of emotional as well as physical problems.