One thing is for sure, the Paleo Diet has been getting some serious attention lately, but many people are still confused as to what the whole diet entails.
So we thought it was time to make a quick guide that explains it all in a simple to understand manner.
A basic breakdown of the Paleo Diet
The ‘Paleo Diet’ is a way of eating that revolves around consuming natural foods like our Paleolithic ancestors.
Nothing processed, nothing “junk” related, and nothing fake – just REAL and pure food.
Caveman style!
It differs considerably from most of the conventional selections that people have gotten accustomed to eating these days, as the
typical industrialized diet resembles something that our ancestors surely did not eat.
The Paleo way of eating/living is supported by the fact that human evolution has played a huge part in how we (modern humans) should be eating today.
But you see, that’s the main problem here – most of us aren’t eating in accordance with our genetic code, as we’ve all strayed very far from our true and natural roots.
And yes, many will argue against this, but many also believe that we (modern humans) have fallen far from our original family tree.
Humans were thriving on a high protein, high fat diet for millions of years, (that is until farming came into the picture about 10.000 years ago), and this is when things started to change drastically.
Some good changes, and some bad…
This is also when farmed grains began entering the human diet – to some; this marked a pivotal moment in the declination of “human health.’’
We definitely don’t think that the advent of agriculture is a horrible thing, but it did change the way we go about our food consumption, so it’s worth acknowledging on some level.
Sure, different foods became more widely available, and more people were (and still are) able to eat without going hungry, but these were new additions to our already optimal diets.
All of the sudden, farming had changed how people eat, and many will argue that it changed for the worse.
Again, there are pros and cons to consider…