The air passages of the lungs are lined with cells secreting mucus, which normally traps particles of dust. When the membranes get infected and inflamed, the secretion of mucus increase and the lining of the air passages is irritated. Coughing is the action by which excess mucus is driven out.

Causes and Symptoms

A person who is going to cough first draws a deep breath in. This action causes his glottis to close and his muscles to contract, thus building up pressure in the chest Then suddenly, the glottis opens, an explosive discharge of air sweeps through the air passages and carries with it the excess secretions or, in some cases, foreign matter, which has irritated the larynx, trachea, or bronchi.

A cough may be caused by inflammation of the larynx or the pharynx. A cough can develop in the chest due to change in weather or seasonal changes. The real cause of this disorder, however, is clogging of the bronchial tubes with waste matter. This is due to wrong feeding habits. The reason for higher incidence of cough during winter than in other seasons is that an average person usually eats more of catarrh-forming foods such as white bread, meat, sugar, porridge, puddings, and pies during the colder months of the year. Being overclothed with heavy undergarments and other garments during this period also prevents proper aeration of the skin.


Grapes: Grapes are one of the most effective home remedies for the treatment of a cough. Grapes tone up the lungs and act as an expectorant, relieving a simple cold and cough in a couple of days. A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is advised for cough relief.

Almonds: Almonds are useful for dry coughs. Seven kernels should be soaked in water overnight and the brown skin removed. They should then be ground well to form a fine paste. A quantity of twenty grams each of butter and sugar should then be added to the paste. This paste should be taken in the morning and evening.

Onion: The use of raw onion is valuable in a cough. TWS vegetable should be chopped fine and the juice extracted from One teaspoon of the juice should then be mixed with one teaspoon of honey and kept for four or five hours—it will make an excellent cough syrup and should be taken twice daily. Onions are useful in removing phelgm. A medium-sized onion should be crushed, the juice of one lemon added to it, and then one boiling water poured on it. A teaspoon of honey can be added for taste. This remedy should be taken two or three times a day. Turmeric: The root of the turmeric plant is useful in a dry cough. The root should be roasted and powdered. This powder should be taken in three gram doses twice daily, in the morning and evening.

Belleric Myroblan: The herb belleric myroblan is a household remedy for a cough. A mixture comprising two grams of the pulp of the fruit, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of long pepper, and 2 teaspoons of honey should be administered for the treatment of this condition twice daily. The dried fruit covered with wheat flour and roasted, is another popular remedy for cough condition.

Raisins: A sauce prepared from raisins is also useful in a cough. This sauce is prepared by grinding 100 gm of raisins with water. About 100 gm of sugar should be mixed with it and the mixture heated. When the mixture acquires a sauce-like consistency, it should be preserved. Twenty grams should be taken at bedtime daily.

Aniseed: Aniseed is another effective remedy for a hard dry cough with difficult expectoration. It breaks up the mucus. A tea made from this spice should be taken regularly for treating this condition.

Dietary Considerations

In the case of a severe cough, the patient should fast on orange juice and water till the severity is reduced. The procedure is to the juice of an orange diluted in a cup of warm water, every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. After the juice fast, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for two or three days. In case of a mild cough, the patient can begin with an all-fruit diet for five to seven days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, oranges, pineapples, peaches, melons. For drinks, unsweetened lemon water, or cold or hot plain water may be given. After the all-fruit diet, the patient should follow a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on wholegrain cereals, raw or lightly cooked vegetables, and fresh fruits.