An Open Letter to Mankind

In the last twenty years, a huge and growing body of research has been carried out into the role of the sugars that are an essential part of glycoproteins. These sugar-protein complexes are the building blocks of our immune system, and are the method by which cells “talk” to each other.

Research now runs to over 80,000 papers in many established medical journals. The accompanying papers in this pack discuss various aspects of sugar metabolism, from the scientific research to case histories, along with doctors own experience with the amazing healing qualities of these glyconutrients.

It has been conclusively shown that there are 8 essential sugars, and 6 are missing from our modern Western diet. This lack is caused by soil depletion, early picking of vegetables and fruits, processing of foods, and pollution. We all now face a very toxic environment, and we now lack the very things we need to cope with the toxic load.

When these sugars are missing, the cells either cannot “talk”, or they mis-communicate. The result is disease. Yes it is true, our cells can make these sugars from glucose, but this is a very metabolically expensive process. It has been shown that dietary lack results in defective immune response, either too much or too little. Allergic conditions are examples of an over reactive immune system. An under reactive immune system could result in an inability of the natural “killer” cells (lymphocytes) to recognize diseased or cancerous cells, and dispose of them. The results of that may mean the death of the person! When the cells are given the nutrients they need, and begin to function properly, the resultant health benefits range from profound to amazing. In some cases, the so called laws of medical science have been overturned. I have spoken to people who had (past tense) multiple sclerosis, and who now do not have it. Their neurological lesions have disappeared from the MRI scan. To a natural skeptic like myself, the implication of this reversal was simple – medicine is now facing the need for a total paradigm shift in its thinking, as deep a shift as that which occurred when bacteria were first shown to be the agents of infectious diseases.

As doctors, I believe we need to move from a “curative” view to a “wellness” view of what we do. Whilst modern medicine has made great strides in many areas, doctors, myself included, feel somewhat helpless when attempting to deal with the flood of degenerative disease and chronic illness that are the mark of our generation. All we can offer are drugs with very serious, and in some cases, life threatening side effects. In the year 2000, more than 100,000 people died from the effects of properly prescribed, properly administered pharmaceutical agents in the United States alone. This does not count the tragic accidents of improperly used medication.

Are these sugars safe? Well, they are food, not drugs. They have NO toxic or side effects. Five of the eight are found in human breast milk, (one of the reasons why babies are protected from disease by breast feeding).

The sugars are not pharmaceutical agents, and do not cure anything. They simply restore basic cellular functions to normal, and then the body can fend for itself. The killer cells will work to identify and destroy diseased or cancerous cells. The immune system can be restored to normal to modulate itself in response to attack.

I believe that we are going to see this profound change in medical practice over the next few years. As usual, I predict that the medical profession will be dragged kicking and screaming into this change. Every major medical advance, from simple hand washing between patients, to using limes to treat scurvy, to smallpox vaccination, the introduction of anesthesia, and surgical asepsis, has been first ridiculed, then opposed, until finally acceptance came when the truth became totally self evident. This is happening today with glyconutrition. There are now over 1000 medical practitioners in the USA who regularly use glyconutrients in their practices. The AMA in Australia has just release a paper acknowledging the patient’s right to use complimentary medicine. That statement allows such things as acupuncture and yoga, techniques that may have benefit, but have no scientific validation. Compare that to the huge body of literature on glycoscience, including the (5) Nobel Prizes in Medicine (given to researches studying glycobiology). The case history data is growing into the tens of thousands of patients whose disease states have been improved, or in many cases eradicated, by the simple act of adding these sugars to the diet. This evidence will, in time, be overwhelming, and those who are skeptical and critical will be won over, by evidence that cannot be refuted. When you have CAT scan evidence of the lesions of multiple sclerosis disappearing, of metastatic carcinoma resolving, of the reversal of Alzhiemer’s and Parkinson’s disease, of increase in IQ of Down’s syndrome children, along with positive effects in arthritis, infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibro-myalgia, what can you say? These are case histories presented by medical professionals, not snake oil salesmen. They are medically verifiable.

I think you will find the accompanying papers interesting. I hope that they will increase your understanding, and help you on the road to optimal health…