a man holding his stomach with his hands

Carbohydrates Make You Fat


Mark Sisson famously referred to 150+ grams of carbohydrates a day as producing “insidious weight gain,” and Gary Taubes’ best-selling book, Good Calories, Bad Calories, tells the reader over and over (and over and over) that carbohydrates make us fat. The believers of the Dr. Atkins dietary principles, the low-carbohydrate paleo philosophy, or any other low- carbohydrate or ketogenic dietary advice are all on board. But are they right? Will that baked potato, that piece of toast with a bit of jam, or the brownie really lead to “insidious weight gain,” simply because of the carbohydrates?

five gray spoons filled with assorted-color powders near chilli

Herb: Folk Method of Infusion

This is perhaps the simplest method of preparing an herb. Fresh or dried herbs can be used. However, note that a larger amount of fresh herb will be needed to compensate for its higher water content. Therefore, if the instructions call for 1 part (for example, 1 teaspoon) of dried herb, the dried herb can be substituted with 3 parts (or 3 teaspoons) of fresh herb.

green and white plant in close up photography

OREGANO natural relief for coughs, colds and candida

WILD OREGANO Origanum vulgare, the strongest and most potent form of this herb, has been used for centuries in the Mediterranean world for its ability to
slow down food spoilage. This is due to its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-oxidant activity, which also accounts for the health benefits that some
people have found when taking this amazing herb.

yellow sunflower in glass bottle

Hyaluronic Acid – Nature’s Moisturiser

Do you know the difference between a grape and a raisin? The answer is water. Water
enables the grape to remain smooth and plump, while the lack of hydration causes the
raisin to appear wrinkled and flat. Our skin is the same. For healthy, plump, youthful
skin, water is an absolute must.

smiling woman holding cheek

Natural Remedies for Acne

Lifestyle Factors • Avoid use of medications that cause acne (e.g. corticosteroids, oral contraceptives) • Avoid greasy creams and cosmetics • Wash face regularly to remove excess sebum and oil…

Why Has Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Disappeared from Grocers’ Shelves?

The blame for the disappearance of natural raw apple cider vinegar from supermarkets lies on the shoulders of the general public, as well as the producers of vinegar. Most people buy food with their eyes, not thinking of good nutrition. Vinegar producers failed to enlighten the public on what powerful health qualities are locked within natural ACV. Why? Because they didn’t know the health values of natural, raw, organic, unfiltered, cloudy (to some, less attractive-looking) ACV with the “mother”. They produced pasteurized, refined, distilled vinegars because the public preferred it. Filling current supply and demand tragically removed the priceless miraculous “mother” health benefits.

Why Raw Diet?

To most people, becoming raw seems like a pretty half-baked idea. How many people would want to give up their stove, barbecue, microwave, and toaster in favor of a dehydrator, juicer, and high-powered blender? How could anyone survive eating just salads? More importantly, why would anyone want to? Becoming raw is unlikely to inspire a celebration within one’s social circle; it’s more likely to be a source of frustration for friends and family. How are you ever going to be able to enjoy a meal together again? What are they supposed to serve you when you come over?

Toxic Heavy Metals

It’s no secret that certain heavy metals are toxic. We all know to be careful of lead paint when renovating older homes, and we all learned at a certain point to switch over to mercury-free thermometers. What’s less well-known—and in some cases, a complete secret—is that toxic heavy metals are behind some of the most widespread health issues today: ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s, infertility, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, Parkinson’s, depression, anxiety, cancers, seizures, and more. These metals are also fuel for the viral-related illnesses you’re going to read about next.