In traditional Chinese medicine, the visceral organs, as well as other organs and tissues, have similar properties to the five elements; they interact physiologically and pathologically as the five elements...
Read moreIn traditional Chinese medicine, the visceral organs, as well as other organs and tissues, have similar properties to the five elements; they interact physiologically and pathologically as the five elements...
Read moreThose who start eating lemons at first symptoms of the common cold should slow down. According to a recent study, Vitamin C does nothing to prevent the common cold. Australian...
Read moreThe evening primrose oil which we use is extracted from the seeds of Oenthera biennis, a plant native to North America. The evening primrose plant resembles a primrose but is...
Read moreCoq10 is also known as Coenzyme Q10.This co q10 is produced naturally in the human body, and is a source of various coq10 benefit. Co q10 is also found in...
Read moreWhat is your brain made of Over 50% of your brain is made of good fat. Twenty percent of this good fat comes from EPA and DHA. Remember EPA and...
Read moreI recommend drinking a morning smoothie if you have constipation or if you have skin problems like acne. Drinking a high fiber smoothie relieves and prevents constipation. It will also...
Read moreOur bodies are truly incredible machines. What makes cells healthy? What causes disease? Scientists are discovering the answers: Keep human cells healthy and fully functional and with out degeneration. True...
Read moreStaying Toned After Weight Loss ---------------------------------------- Following significant weight loss, it is vital to have an exercise routine to keep your muscles firm and help to tighten the skin. One...
Read moreThis is a common condition which proves to be the devil of every girl's life! Split ends are most often seen in long hair but also found in shorter hair...
Read morePain and Stress. They seem almost to go hand in hand - not only in their negative connotation, but also in their biological causes and triggers. Back pain and muscle...
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