Besides physical and mental exercise, the foods we eat are an important factor for brain health. The following tips may help to improve your thinking and mood.
Studies do indicate that the diet has a role on our IQ. Your brain’s health not only depends on how much you eat but what you eat. This goes for fat as well. There are good and bad fats. Some of the better fats include olive oil and fish oil that contains omega fatty acids.
Some foods that contain choline such as eggs may improve alertness, memory, stress and fatigue.
Raw nuts and seeds supply essential fatty acids. Walnuts especially are loaded with these healthy oils; others include pumpkin seeds and flax seeds.
Seaweed and fish are great for their omega-3 content, but you will have to watch out for their mercury7 content. Be sure you know your supplier.
If you eat meat then go for the free-range and organic variety. Nature does know best and the more natural the better. There’s no sense in consuming added hormones, pesticides and unhealthy fats.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits as they are very nutritious for you. Even if you eat healthy you may not be getting all the nutrition you need. If that’s the case then a supplement may help.
The B vitamins are very important for top mental function as well as lycopene found in tomatoes, vitamin-K in broccoli and antioxidants in blueberries.
If you are overweight then this can also lower your IQ. This makes sense. If your body is not fit then why would your brain be?
There are things you can do to develop your brain. Exercise is very important as well as how you feed your brain. You may want to join a club, start a hobby or do something that challenges your brain. Yes, your mind also needs to exercise to keep it fit.
So think a little more before you pop those chips in your mouth, grab a donut for
breakfast or super size those fries. Pop, excess sugar and refined foods are “dummy makers” Stop eating dumb and eat smart.
We can grow new brain cells. Some ways include exercise, learning something new, meditation, foods and supplements such as resveratrol and blueberries.
Also cutting out bad foods such as sugar, excess salt, alcohol, meat and sodas will help prevent us from losing our brain and smarts.
Your brain, mental attitude and emotions control your health more than you may realize. Changing the way you think, the stress in your life and gaining a positive state of mind can do wonders for you.
When you feel good mentally and emotionally, you are sending positive messages to your body. This can affect your blood pressure, amount of pain and various other body functions.
A healthy brain and lifestyle will let you do more and improve your life, while increasing your happiness as well.
*You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
Any direction you choose. ”
-Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel)