ChocolateYou may be wondering how chocolate could possibly affect acid reflux; but it’s true that it affects it in two ways: Some chocolate contains high amounts of caffeine, and it also contains an ingredient called methylxanthine. Firstly, caffeine causes a relaxation effect on your esophageal sphincter, and as we keep explaining; this will allow more acid to rise up into your throat. Secondly, methylxanthine has a similar effect as caffeine and actually encourages stomach bile to rise
AlcoholAlcohol can negatively impact your risk of GERD in more than one way. First, alcohol relaxes your esophageal sphincter like most other problematic foods; allowing stomach acid into your throat. Second, alcohol actually makes your sphincters movements more erratic, causing even more stomach acid into your throat. The last two aren’t unique to alcohol, but are more prevalent; alcohol makes your throat more sensitive to the acids from your stomach. Lastly, alcohol contributes to the development of peptic ulcers, and even interferes with your body trying to heal those ulcers.
FatsFats normally take longer for your stomach to digest than any other type of food. This makes your stomach produce more stomach acid, and gives more time to allow more stomach acid up into your throat. Fats act differently for everyone, so you will have to test which higher fat foods make you have an acid reflux attack, and which ones don’t.
Garlic & Onion
Just like Fatty food, different people react differently to both garlic and onion. Garlic and onion tend to weaken the muscles in your esophageal sphincter, thus letting more stomach acid into your throat. If you need to take garlic for health reasons, you can always choose to take it in pill form; this will lessen the affect on your sphincter, as the majority of the garlic will end up in your stomach and not coating your throat.
Spices & Tomatoes
Again, your body will react differently to various spices and even different types of tomatoes. These act the same way as the other foods; weakening your esophageal sphincter, and causing more distress on the lining of your throat. It’s best to just keep a list of spices that you find cause acid reflux, and those that do not; or you can play it safe and keep the spice to a minimum.