Herbal Therapy, also referred to as Herbalism, is one of the oldest healthcare means known to mankind. Herbal therapy is the utilization of herbs for various therapies, remedies or medicinal purposes.
Derived from plants, herbs are used for their medicine, aroma and spice in herbal therapy. Herb plants produce and comprise a mariyad of chemical substances that interact with our bodies. Herbal therapy allows natural plants and herbs act as nutrients to empower our organs and tissues to regain normal functionability.
Currently, over four billion people, or eighty percent of the world population use herbal therapy for some forms of healthcare. Ayurvedic practitioners, homeopathic practitioners, naturopathic practitioners, traditional Oriental practitioners and Native American Indians commonly utilize herbal therapy.
Common illnesses and conditions that herbal therapy can benefit are digestive problems, sinusitis, Chron’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Other conditions like arthritis, post-cancer treatment, fertility issues, menopause, PMS, colds and even flu can be helped with herbal therapy as well.