Review: Dettol Liquid Antiseptic Disinfectant


  • For first aid, medical & personal hygiene uses
  • Dettol Liquid is a proven safe and effective concentrated antiseptic disinfectant
  • kills bacteria and provides expert protection against the germs which can cause infection and illness
  • Dettol Liquid can be used for gentle antiseptic wound cleansing and disinfection
  • Trust Dettol to protect your family from germs

For first aid, medical & personal hygiene uses. Dettol Liquid is a proven safe and effective concentrated antiseptic disinfectant, that kills bacteria and provides expert protection against the germs which can cause infection and illness. Dettol Liquid can be used for gentle antiseptic wound cleansing and disinfection, antiseptic skin cleansing and as a disinfectant in and around the home. Trust Dettol to protect your family from germs.