Top 3 Food Additives That Made a Come Back

MSG – Monosodium Glutamate

This flavor enhancer is used in Oriental cooking as much as Western cooking uses salt.

During the 8o’s news of this excitotoxin reached news outlets in the U.S. At the expense of tastier food, this product was widely reported to induce depression, cause headaches, and increase obesity among other side effects people did not want.

It took time, but the stigma attached to MSG was so great, that Oriental restaurants put signs near the front door stating, “NO MSG.”

Check the labels at your grocery store. I did yesterday while looking for a peanut sauce. I put it back on the shelf when I saw monosodium glutamate as a top ingredient.

Nikolas Bakalar of the NYTimes reported that for every .04 ounce of daily MSG intake, there is a corresponding BMI increase of .61 points. In other words, MSG causes obesity.


Not all sugars have the same properties. HFCS is considered by one side of experts as a chemically produced toxic product laced with mercury that bypasses regular digestion on its direct path to the liver.

There is no feeling of satiety when eating this sweetener.

Food may taste better, but it’s not going through your body in the same way that fruits and vegetables do. High fructose corn syrup gets exposed for its nasty marketing every few months.

I don’t want HFCS in any food I eat or drink or serve to my family. When I see it on the label, I believe I have touched a cheap product by a manufacturer who values the bottom line too much more than my well-being.

HFCS is one of those products that really hasn’t left. For years complaints about its safety pop up on the internet and national news. It’s cheap and plentiful and easy to get.

contained aspartame. I do. I had one of the worst headaches of my life. Two months later I gave in and tried another diet soda. I had almost the same headache, but it wasn’t as strong.

Later I gave in again and I had no headache. There is a laundry list of diseases and symptoms reported about aspartame that would make anyone think twice before eating or drinking most artificial sweeteners.

Artificial Sweeteners

When aspartame first came out, it was reported to be a carcinogen and a neurotoxin. Pat Robertson charged that campaign long after people could forget the initial effects of aspartame.